
Welcome New Members!

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The goal of AACE is to build community amongst acting coaches and educators across the country. To provide a place where we can share resources and knowledge, provide support and grow together. AACE members along with our industry partners will continue to create consent based practices and standards for students and teachers that provide safe working environments for classrooms and coaching studios. 

AACE Education & Workshops

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AACE knows that while education is what we do, educating ourselves has not always been a focus. AACE commits to creating and sourcing sector specific educational opportunities geared toward the specific nature of acting training. AACE will make the education of ourselves a priority.


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AACE Acting Coaches and Educators Conference
May 20th & 21st, 2023 – TORONTO
Generously hosted by the Tarragon Theatre

Conference Theme – POWER – Evolving Dynamics

Our understanding of the balance of power in the acting studio/classroom has grown immensely. At the heart of any healthy student/teacher relationship is recognizing the evolving dynamics of how power flows. It is up to us, as coaches and educators, to continually interrogate our relationship to power so that we can always foster respect-based environments that empower and inspire.