Acting training is a very specific subsect of teaching. The acting training environment is different, because inherent in the acting craft is the exploration of the self which requires deeply personal connections. Educators and coaches need to hone their teaching craft to deal directly with the specific aspects of the craft that allow actors to be brave and feel safe to be vulnerable. Part of AACE’s mandate is to help coaches and educators find courses, workshops, seminars, lectures, podcasts and any other sector specific educational opportunities to help them fulfill their AACE commitment to ongoing education.

We have complied a resource list of all kinds of educational opportunities. We will add new ones as we learn of them.

Please if you know of any educational opportunities, sector specific to acting training that we should include email us!

Classes and workshops currently on offer are highlighted on our home page click here to see them!

Applicable for AACE Membership

The following are sector-specific opportunities that can be viewed/taken and qualify as a one course for your AACE application. For previously recorded lectures/webinars please write some of your learning takeaways and send in as proof of completion.

*Please note, only 1 previously recorded or asynchronous course will be accepted as one of the required 2 courses for AACE membership.

Anti-Harassment, Bullying and Violence

Equity, Diversity, Allyship & Inclusion

Intimacy, Respect and Consent

Mental Health

Other Opportunities and Organizations for Learning

EDI, Anti-Oppression & Allyship


Intimacy & Consent

Mental Health


Acting Teacher Resources

Other Resources

Articles & Open Letters:

Resources & Industry Partner Links

Counselling and Support Services:

We are always looking for more sector-specific resources for acting coached and educators. Please feel free to share yours with us! –