Beyond best practices and bringing standards to acting education, AACE is a community, where coaches and educators can share, learn and grow together.

Together we can make acting training safer for everyone!

All AACE members sign the Code of Conduct, which is a set of voluntary commitments developed by the AACE Steering Committee representing performers and workers in the entertainment industry. Each Acting Coach or Educator is responsible for upholding their commitments under the Code and their obligations under the law.

We invite all acting coaches and educators with over 2 years of teaching experience to apply to ACCE.

Also did we mention that there is no fee to join! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions at

How to Apply

Please complete each of the following steps in order to complete your application for AACE.

All documents should be emailed to:

  1. Complete in the AACE Google Application form – fill this out first and hit submit, then we’ll start your application folder. You can then just send us the following supporting documents as you collect them.
  2. Read and incorporate into your teaching the best practices and standards outlined in the AACE Member Guide
  3. Write a cover letter which tells the AACE Vetting committee a bit about your story, your history, your areas of specialization, why you are a teacher/coach, your experience and why you would like to join AACE.
  4. Provide your teaching CV/Resume – that indicates that you have been teaching for more than 2 years.
  5. Read the AACE Code of Conduct for Acting Coaches and Educators. Sign, date, save as a PDF.
  6. Supply 3 letters of reference or video testimonial self-tapes directed to the AACE Vetting Committee;
    • 2 letters should be from non-clients/students. Examples include; Casting Director, Teaching Colleague, Head of Program/Studio/Boss, Director, Producer, Talent Agent, etc.
    • 1 letter/video testimonial self tape from a recent student
      • Important to please provide the contact information for all your references as they may be contacted by the vetting committee. Please have anyone who provides a self tape to state their name and contact details at the top of their video. 
      • Video Testimonial self tapes can be We-Transfered to:
  7. Provide proof of 2 completed *sector-specific courses, within the last 5 years, in 2 different areas.
    • Areas include but are not limited too; Anti-Harassment, Anti-Bullying, Anti-Oppression, Anti-Racism, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging, Gender Diversity, Consent/Respect Training, Intimacy Basics for the Educator, Mental Health, Respect on Set/Rehearsal, Room Agreement training, Power/Abuse of Power, Conflict Resolution.
    • Courses is a broad term that includes; workshops, panel presentations, and lectures whether they be in person, pre-recorded or online that have helped you increase your knowledge and awareness about respectfully guiding performers.
    • Proof may include; certificate of completion, email confirmation from the course provider, PDF paragraph with your take-aways or other correspondence with the course provider.
      • Please note, 1 course must be participatory, either in an online zoom workshop or an in person course. Only 1 previously recorded or asynchronous course will be accepted as one of the required 2 courses for AACE membership. If you watch a webinar, pre-recorded lecture/panel or take an asynchronous course, a short paragraph with some of your take-aways will qualify as proof.

What are sector specific courses?

Acting training or coaching is a very specific sub-sect of the entertainment industry. The teaching environment is different than other teaching environments because inherent in the acting practice is the exploration of the self and deeply personal connections. This means that educators and coaches need specialized training that directly reflects the specific aspects of acting teaching that arise. AACE members must seek out education for themselves that address their specialized field. AACE is committed to helping coaches and educators find these educational opportunities through our industry partners. You can also see our current list on our resources page.

All supporting documents should be sent

Educators and Coaches Hired in Studios or Schools

Coaches and educators working in a studio or school must apply individually. This is because many coaches/educators work in multiple studios/schools while maintaining a private practice. However, if you work in a studio or school that employs more than 5 teachers (full or part time) your studio or schools hiring process waves several of our application requirements.

Reduced Application Requirements for Coaches at a Studio or School with more than 5 Teachers

Applications Form……………………………………………………Required

Intro. Cover Letter……………………………………………………Required

Teaching CV/Resume………………………………………………..Waived

Signed Code of Conduct…………………………………………..Required

2 Reference letter from Industry peers……………..1 Letter Waived*

*As you have already been hired by your studio/school, that hiring process may count as one of your references. You only need one other letter from an industry member who is not a student. Please email us to see if your studio or school qualifies.

*Studio owners do not qualify for reduced application as they can not vet themselves.

1 Reference letter/Video Testimonial from student…………Required

2 Sector-Specific Courses…………………….. 1 Waived if Applicable*

* Your studio/school may offer or require you take courses that could be applicable for AACE membership. Please let us know which courses you have taken through your institution and we will check if they meet our sector-specific guidelines.

Your headshot……………………………………………………………Required

All supporting documents should be sent