We had an incredible 2 days together! Over 80 coaches, educators, and industry experts came together to learn and share knowledge. It was inspiring and informative. So many connections were made and we have laid the groundwork for a community that will help transform acting training, making it safer for everyone.
Photos from the Conference
Photo Credit – Manon Bourgeois
Gender Diversity & Inclusion Panel – Moderator: Ryan G. Hinds with panelists; August Winter, Cole Alvis, Kiara-Kumail & Neta Rose.
Lewis Baumander – Accountability and Power Redistribution in the Classroom Workshop
Maxine Bower & Niki Landau – Balancing Act: Understanding Power in our Teaching Spaces Workshop – Sponsored by ACTRA Toronto
Richard Lam & Tahirih Vejdani – To Build a Room Agreement Workshop – Sponsored by Got Your Back & ARCS
Tom Stroud & Ines Buchli – Emotional Fluency Training for Actors Workshop
Catherine McNally, Melee Hutton & John Nelles – Coaching Young Performers on Set Workshop
Steven Mann, Sarah Sheps & Robert Kennedy – Coaching Young Performers in Commercials Workshop
Dr. Janet McMordie & Chelsea Johnson – The Art of Podcasting: Creating Impactful Content that Connects and Inspires Workshop
Michael Gordin Shore & Alan Powell (Admin Team AACE)
Evolving Dynamics of Power Panel – Moderator: Lisa Karen Cox – Panelists; Richard Lam, Kadon Douglas, Millie Tom, Jennifer Wigmore & Tovah Small – Sponsored by Meridian Artists
Niki Landau (Workshop Leader/Sponsor) & Neta Rose (GDI Panelist)
Michele Charlton & Tovah Small (Meridian Artists/Sponsor) Jennifer Wigmore (AACE Co-administrator) & Daisy Storch (Volunteer)
Empowering and Protecting Young Performers Panel – Moderator Angelica Alejandro – Panelists Anthony Q. Farrell, Lisa Parasyn, Megan Davis, Millie Davis, Shari Quallenberg & Margaret Thompson.
Alan Powell – Increasing Resilience: For Yourself and the Actors you Teach/Coach Workshop
Bruce Dow – Stages of Learning: Human Development in the Learning Space Workshop
Siobhan RIchardson – Intimacy in the Classroom Workshop
Gabriella Sundar Singh – Playing with Text Workshop
Jennifer Wigmore, Sarah Robbins (Admin Team AACE) & David Storch (Volunteer)
Rick Harkness, Conrad Coates, Jennifer Wigmore, and Millie Tom
Conference Theme – POWER – Evolving Dynamics
Our understanding of the balance of power in the acting studio/classroom has grown immensely. At the heart of any healthy student/teacher relationship is recognizing the evolving dynamics of how power flows. It is up to us, as coaches and educators, to continually interrogate our relationship to power so that we can always foster respect-based environments that empower and inspire.
The AACE Acting Coaches and Educators conference will help us delve deeper into how power manifests. How it can be used responsibly and with compassion within these intersecting areas of our sector;
Gender Diversity & Inclusion, Young Performers, Tools for Empowerment
Instructor Workshops, Panels, Round Tables, Talking Circles, Socializing Events and much more!